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rc oscillator中文

用"rc oscillator"造句"rc oscillator" in a sentence"rc oscillator"怎麼讀


  • 電阻電容振蕩器
  • 阻容振蕩器


  • Rc oscillator ’ s frequency is 1khz . the voltage reference of ic is 2 . 2v , which can keep stabilization when the power supply is bigger than 2 . 3v . in that case circuits can insulate yawp from power supply
    在穩壓源電路設計中,采用了運算放大器負反饋的形式,使參考電壓源為2 . 2v ,并在電源大于2 . 3v時保持穩定,隔離了電源噪聲。
  • After that , there was the core of project : design of the circuits in ic . the design and simulations of oscillator circuit and reference voltage circuit were placed behind it where rc oscillator ’ s design and how to build a reference voltage circuit by amplifier were discussed
  • A typical calculator chip from rcl semiconductor inc , c9821 , is referenced and developed . the chip of the calculator consists of several function units such as rc oscillator , power management module , microprogrammed control unit ( mcu ) , register group , lcd driver and keyboard interface
    在硬件方面,在完成計算器的功能模塊劃分的基礎上,對包括rc振蕩器、電源模塊、 lcd顯示驅動模塊、鍵盤接口、寄存器組、微程序控制器在內的各個功能模塊的系統結構和電路原理進行了分析,掌握了它們的設計方法。
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